Critter Street is the Infant and Preschool Ministry of Woodland Hills Family Church.


Friday, September 2, 2011

September Small Talk


Week 1
1 Samuel 17:34-37
God helped David, a shepherd, save his sheep from both a lion and a bear!

Week 2
1 Samuel 16:1-13
God helped Samuel choose the boy who would be the new king. Samuel looked at all of Jesse's sons before choosing David. God didn't care how the brothers looked or how strong they were. He chose David because David had a heart for God.

Week 3
1 Samuel 18:7, 12-14
David sang and danced for God because God had helped him win battles. Then, king Saul send David into yet more battles. God helped David win in all of them.

Week 4
Exodus 5:1-6:8
The Israelites had to work hard and make bricks all day for Pharaoh. Moses cried to God to help the Israelites, and He said He would help them.

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