Critter Street is the Infant and Preschool Ministry of Woodland Hills Family Church.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Who Knows Best?

The August song of the month is "Who Knows Best?". Have fun singing this great song with your child! Below you will find the lyrics and hand motions, and you can listen to the song in the music player at the bottom of this page!

Who Knows Best?
Written by Jonathan Shelton & Candi Pearson-Shelton

Verse 1
If God says jump around (Jumping)
I’m gonna jump, I’m gonna jump (Jumping)
‘Cause I can trust Him, (Thumbs to chest) yeah (Pump right fist)
I’m gonna jump (Jumping)
If God says stomp your feet (Stomping)
I’m gonna stomp, I’m gonna stomp (Stomping)
‘Cause I can trust Him, (Thumbs to chest) yeah (Pump right fist)
He knows what’s best. He knows what’s best (Both hands pointing up)

Who knows best? (Hands by shoulders & shrug.) God knows best! (Hands pointing up)
Who knows best? (Hands by shoulders & shrug.) God knows best! (Hands pointing up)
Who knows best? (Hands by shoulders & shrug.) God knows best! (Hands pointing up)
He knows what’s best for me (Thumbs to chest)

Verse 2
If God says wiggle around (Wiggle)
I’m gonna wiggle, I’m gonna wiggle (Wiggle)
‘Cause I can trust Him, (Thumbs to chest) yeah (Pump right fist)
I’m gonna wiggle (Wiggle)
If God says stand real still (Freeze)
I’m gonna freeze, I’m gonna freeze (Freeze)
‘Cause I can trust Him, (Thumbs to chest) yeah (Pump right fist)
He knows what’s best. He knows what’s best (Both hands pointing up)


Verse 3
If God says quiet please (Finger to mouth..shhh)
I’m gonna sshhh, I’m gonna sshhh (Finger to mouth..shhh)
‘Cause I can trust Him, (Thumbs to chest) yeah (Pump right fist)
I’m gonna sshhhh (Finger to mouth..shhh)
If God says shout out loud (Cup hands to mouth)
I’m gonna shout (YEAH!), I’m gonna shout (YEAH!) (Cup hands to mouth)
‘Cause I can trust Him, (Thumbs to chest) yeah (Pump right fist)
He knows what’s best. He knows what’s best (Both hands pointing up)


Verse 4
If God says go real slow (Move in slow motion)
I’m gonna go slow, I’m gonna go slow (Move in slow motion)
If God says go real fast (Run fast)
I’m gonna go fast, fast, fast (Run fast)
‘Cause I can trust Him, (Thumbs to chest) yeah (Pump right fist)
He knows what’s best. He knows what’s best (Both hands pointing up)

Chorus (2 times)

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